19 December 2024

New parking rates from December 24, 2024.


From December 24, 2024, new rates for official parking at Sheremetyevo will come into effect:

Parking Terminal B, Parking Terminal C, and Parking Terminal D
Located opposite Terminals B, C (STK, Northern Terminal Complex) and Terminal D (YTK, Southern Terminal Complex). The parking lots are equipped with elevators and inspection points, and covered pedestrian galleries lead to the terminal buildings. Large families are provided with a 25% discount on parking of any duration in covered parking lots.

The 1st and 2nd hour – 500 ₽/hour (parking duration over 2 hours is charged at the daily rate)
from the 1st day onwards – 1300 ₽/day


The closest open parking to Terminals B and C. The walk from the parking to the terminals takes 3-5 minutes on foot.

The 1st and 2nd hour – 400 ₽/hour (over 2 hours – daily rate)
1-4 days – 1000 ₽/day
5-30 days – 800 ₽/day
from the 31st day onwards – 1000 ₽/day


Located at the intersection of Lobnenskoye Highway and Aviatsionnaya Street, a 10-15 minute walk from Terminals B and C.

The 1st and 2nd hour – 350 ₽/hour (over 2 hours – daily rate)
1-4 days – 800 ₽/day
5-30 days – 600 ₽/day
from the 31st day onwards – 800 ₽/day


Located on Starosheremetyevskoe Highway, a 5-10 minute walk from Terminals B and C.

The 1st hour (from 1 to 60 minutes) – 150 ₽/hour
2nd and 3rd hour – 350 ₽/hour (over 3 hours – daily rate)
1-4 days – 900 ₽/day
5-30 days – 700 ₽/day
from the 31st day onwards – 900 ₽/day


"Comfort" Parking Zone in Parking B and Parking C
Locations located in both parking lots on the 4th level, near pedestrian galleries connecting the parking buildings with the terminal complex.

The 1st and 2nd hour – 800 ₽/hour (over 2 hours – daily rate)
1st and subsequent days – 1800 ₽/day


VIP Parking Terminal B and VIP Parking Terminal C
Located at the entrances to the "VIP LOUNGE", intended for the accommodation of vehicles for VIP lounge clients.

The first 2 hours of parking – 2750 ₽ for the period;
3rd and each subsequent hour – 2200 ₽/hour.


Please note: payment for parking under the conditions of a discount for large families is only available at the cash desks at the Parking B, Parking C, and Parking D Administrations.
Payment for parking on general terms can be made:

  • Online at the "Sheremetyevo Parking" website. For quick payment on the site, scan the QR code on the parking ticket and follow the link to the payment page;
  • Using automated cash terminals;
  • At the exit barrier stands (by bank card or through the Fast Payment System).
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