15 December 2022

Parking rate updates at Sheremetyevo in December 2022


As of December 26, 2022, the rates for official parking at Sheremetyevo are updated. More details on the locations and new rates:

Terminal B Parking / Terminal C Parking

Located on Sheremetyevskoye Highway opposite Terminals B and C. Equipped with elevators and their own inspection zones; covered pedestrian galleries lead from the parking lots to the terminals. Families with multiple children receive a 25% discount on parking of any duration in Parking B and C.

1-3 hours – 300 ₽/hour (over 3 hours – daily rate)
1-4 days – 1000 ₽/day
5-7 days – 700 ₽/day
8-30 days – 600 ₽/day
from 31 days – 1000 ₽/day



Located on Starosheremetyevskoye Highway, 5-10 minutes' walk from Terminals B/C.
1st hour (from 1 to 60 minutes) – 100 ₽/hour
2nd and 3rd hours – 250 ₽/hour (over 3 hours – daily rate)
1-4 days – 700 ₽/day
From 5 days onwards – 400 ₽/day



Located at the intersection of Lobnenskoye Highway and Aviatsionnaya Street, 10-15 minutes' walk from Terminals B/C.
1st and 2nd hours – 250 ₽/hour (over 2 hours – daily rate)
1-4 days – 700 ₽/day
From 5 days onwards – 400 ₽/day



The closest open parking to Terminals B/C. The walk from the parking to the terminals takes 3-5 minutes.
1st and 2nd hours – 250 ₽/hour (over 2 hours – daily rate)
1st day and subsequent days – 700 ₽/day


Comfort Parking Zone in Parking B

A special location located on the 4th level of Terminal B parking, near the pedestrian gallery connecting the parking building with the terminal.
1st and 2nd hours – 600 ₽/hour (over 2 hours – daily rate)
1st day and subsequent days – 1400 ₽/day


VIP Parking Terminal B / VIP Parking Terminal C

The most comfortable parking spots for VIP lounge clients, in close proximity to the entrance of the "VIP LOUNGE".
For the first two hours of parking – 2200 ₽
3rd hour and each subsequent hour – 1700 ₽/hour


Payment for parking services with a discount for large families is made at the cash desks at the Multi-level Parking Administration. 

Payment for parking services on general terms can be made:

  • using automatic cash terminals,
  • at the exit barrier stands (with a bank card for amounts up to 3,000 rubles or via the Fast Payment System),
  • online on the official "Sheremetyevo Parking" website. For quick payment on the site, scan the QR code on the parking ticket and follow the link to the payment page.
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